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GTA 5 Tricks

Free weapon upgrades

If you die by blowing yourself up with a grenade after buying any weapon upgrades at Ammunation, the cash you had before you bought the upgrades will be returned to you once you respawn. You'll also still have the weapon upgrades in your possession, essentially giving yourself free weapon upgrades.

Buy properties for free

Note: You need to have enough money to purchase the property regularly. Go up to a the sign that allows you to purchase a property. Press right on the D-Pad and that will take you to the confirm purchase prompt. Press right on the D-Pad again to confirm your purchase and immediately after doing so, pause the game. Now replay any mission in the replay mission menu (preferably a short one) and finish the mission. When the game loads you back in the overworld, the property you purchased should be owned by you but you will still have all of your money.

Very Easy Money

In the ocean near the north side of the map, you can check underwater to find a crashed airplane. When the airplane crashed, a briefcase full of money (around $12,000) also found its way to the sea bed. You can swim to find the wreckage and the briefcase. After you collect that briefcase, you can then immediately switch to another character and then switch back to the one who was located near the briefcase. When you do, the briefcase will have reappeared. The character who is underwater will collect the case again and his supply of air will return. You can repeatedly use this trick to quickly amass a small fortune.

Quickly repair a vehicle without costing you anything

If your vehicle is pretty banged up and you don't want to have to pay to repair it, simply park your vehicle, get out of it, quick save from your phone, and reload that quick save. Your vehicle will be exactly where you left it, but will be in prime condition. Useful if you have an expensive and/or customized vehicle, because it can be expensive to repair.


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